Monday, October 27, 2008

Scout’s Take: In which we discuss a trade of the emergence of Matt Schaub, Jamal Lewis' consistency, and the ghost of Santonio Holmes

Each week, our scouts gather to share their observations on the most noteworthy Sunday performances. Unfortunately, after blowing all of our money at Gray's Papaya, we had to fire them all. In their place are Lafayette Gold, Marble Ryan, Mr. T, and Torry Hallelujah, who let us know what they took away from the Week 8 action.

Mr. T: I'm willing to finally take some heat for the Schaub/Jones trade now that it looks like JTO has lost his job. I should've let nature take its course. You wanted JTO more than Schaub, I should've let you have him. And I still would've been able to get Tom Jones. Sometimes you gotta let the animals control the zoo. I still contest it's not a bad trade on my part. I have no problem with Jones. He's produced well the last three weeks. If only the Jets had a half decent offensive coordinator who didn't let Favre throw all the time. And the Anvil netted me Lee Evans, who has been consistent. I still can't believe Michael J. Cox stroked me with 137 though. Wow.

Marble Ryan: You only look bad in the trade because you refused to give up JTO. It's not just that JTO has lost his job, but Schaub is averaging about 25 ppg since he relocated to Beijing. I can't take credit since I basically begged you for JTO and only capitulated for Schaub since I was desperate. It's a bad trade for you because your QB situation is the worst in the Lig. Favre is going to retire mid-season and your #2 has been benched. I don't even know who else you have, but I don't think you can make the playoffs with that QB situation and a WR situation that isn't much better...

Mr. T: Yep. Like I said, I should've let you get what you wanted. Schaub's had the luck of a really cushy midseason schedule. We'll see what happens once he starts facing tougher defenses. Minnesota this week should be good for him, but then Baltimore and Indy should clamp down a little.

Mr. T: I still say Steve Stevens made the bigger mistake trading Moss for Julius Jones. Jones has rushed for 61, 44, 42, and 9 in the last 4 games. He doesn't get the goal line carries. And Steve could've had Jamal Lewis from me, but he chose Jones instead. Say what you want about the anvil, but he's pretty damn consistent. Michael J. is learning that now...

Marble Ryan: The Anvil is consistent. But no one wants to own him. How could you, it's so unglamorous? Owning the Anvil is like dating an unfortunate looking woman who's always cooking for you and giving you back rubs and generally treating you very nicely.

Mr. T: You do realize he scored more points this week than Portis, Barber, Slaton, McGahee, Jacobs, Graham, Turner, Brown, and MJD. That's a pretty nice back rub.

Lafayette Gold: How bout that money Holmes for Rhodes trade by the A-Team last week?

Mr. T: Dude it’s one week and Rhodes hasn't even played his game yet. You've now unleashed yourself to receive numerous emails when Holmes breaks out his 130-yard and 2 TD effort against San Diego in Week 11.

Marble Ryan: Yeah Lafayette, you better take that kind of talk down a notch, lest the fantasy gods strike you down with a Dom Rhodes sports hernia and a Santonio Holmes explosion all over the Lig. In fact, for the sake of the rest of the Lig, I think all ragging on Mr. T should be suspended until his team falls to 4-6.

Mr. T: I'd like to point out that I also play Lafayette next week. Just saying.

Torry Hallelujah: Have any of you guys realized that the Panthers are 6-2? Reading MMQB, and Peter King has them fourth in his power poll. What’s going on in this league, people?

Torry Hallelujah: Also: Roddy White is a man.

Mr. T: I think the Chargers regain the crown as most inconsistent team in football. And how about dem GIANTS!!!

Marble Ryan: I think the water pill issue is ridiculous. The ingredient isn't on the bottle! How do you suspend someone four games for that?! You can't expect players to take every supplement they take to the trainer when they probably just looked at the ingredients and thought they were cool. On countdown Mortensen said Goodell will argue they should've gotten the pills analyzed, like in Seinfeld when they took the frozen yogurt to the lab. What a joke.

Marble Ryan: What do you think the ratings would be like on a Panthers-Titans Super Bowl? Would that have any impact at all or is the Super Bowl small market proof?

Mr. T: I'm sure it'd be no Giants/Patriots, but it can't be any worse than Oakland/Tampa Bay or St. Louis/Tennessee.

Torry Hallelujah: I think that worse than the locale of those teams is the fact that neither team has any real superstars. Steve Smith isn’t what he used to be, the QBs are both marginal, and the RBs all split carries.

Mr. T: Smith is still pretty good. You should've seen his long TD yesterday. Nice tightrope job on the sideline.

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