Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Catching Up with Roy Williams

Our Torry Hallelujah sat down with Lions WR Roy Williams to discuss his slow start, a possible change at QB, the rumored trade to the Cowboys, and life under Mike Martz.

Torry Hallelujah: Roy Williams, it’s an honor to sit down and talk with someone who’s wasted as much talent as yourself.

Roy Williams: Thank you, thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here.

TH: Roy, you’re off to a terrible start this season. Last week, we could see you on the sideline, shouting at your coaches and teammates and sitting by yourself. What’s wrong?

RW: The fact is, we suck. We’re terrible! You can fire Matt Millen, but he wasn’t the one throwing passes three feet behind me or over my head. You know how you say “can’t throw for shit” in Polish?

TH: How?

RW: Orlovsky.

TH: You also dropped several catchable balls.


TH: Roy, there’s a chance that Drew Stanton might be taking over at quarterback. How’s that going to impact your fantasy numbers?

RW: They can’t go much lower, can they? Stanton, Orlovsky, Kitna – they’re all just crackers who can’t get Roy the ball.

TH: How about the schedule? You’ve got some games coming up against some pretty good pass defenses. Do you think your numbers are going to improve at all?

RW: Hey baby, what can I say? A number one receiver always rises to the occasion.

TH: Does that mean we should be expecting big things out of Calvin Johnson?

RW: [wrinkles brow in confusion]

TH: Roy, it’s been rumored that the Lions are trying to trade you to the Cowboys. Do you think that would be a good move?

RW: I think it would be a great move – for Roy Williams. I’m a free agent this off-season, I gotta pad my stats! I’m not sure what I would put on the back of my jersey, though. I mean, they have a Roy Williams already, don’t they?

TH: Would you put your middle initial on there?

RW: “Roy E. Williams.” That’s nice, I like it. [extends fist]

TH: Roy, before this season, you spent two years playing under Mike Martz. Tell us what that was like.

RW: Oh man, it was awesome. I mean, we stood no chance of winning games because we couldn’t run the ball or protect the quarterback, but damn were my fantasy numbers good.

TH: It’s true – for a while, you came close to performing like a first round pick.

RW: [taps his finger against table] Yeah, that was nice.

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