Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fair Deal? Kevin Walter, Marvin Harrison, and Jamal Lewis for Darren McFadden and Lee Evans

Last week, Mr. T and Michael J. Cox agreed to a swap that saw Mr. T give up Kevin Walter, Marvin Harrison, and Jamal “The Human Anvil” Lewis in exchange for Darren McFadden and Lee Evans. The trade stoked the fires of RGIOQB fantasy league, causing a few league members to spend the better part of an afternoon debating its merits over email. Here’s a look at what transpired.

Marble Ryan: Just saw the latest A-Team trade cross the tape, and I think it has to be made official that no one is ever allowed to call me the worst trader in the lig again. The Human Anvil and two guys who belong on waivers for a productive wide receiver and a rookie with upside? Kevin Walter was on waivers last week! How do you trade for a guy that?

Michael J. Cox: I think I should actually take this as a vote of confidence given your track record. Plus, have you seen my bench? I might have been starting Jerry Rice this week without taking on a little depth.

Marble Ryan: Mr. T is conspicuously silent, which I take to mean he believes he ripped you off and doesn't feel like causing trouble over the wires. That's fine ¬¬— his opinion doesn't mean much anyway, because his team is garbage. But going back to the trade, you don't think McFadden has more value than two WR4s and a guy who averages 2.5 yards per carry? You need starters before you build a bench. Wasn't Evans your best WR?

Michael J. Cox: You're talking to a guy who has started Ted Ginn at WR multiple times this year. I needed a shakeup in the worst way. I was heading straight for the cellar if I didn't make some changes. Plus, take a look at McFadden's game-by-game stats when you get a chance. Since I'm the only one regularly starting a Raider, I'm also probably the only one actually watching their games. They split carries three ways out there and the offense isn't pretty to begin with. 75% of D-Mac's fantasy production has come in one half of football. If you think that's an exaggeration, look it up. And I started Ray Rice last week for god's sake! I'd bet I've had more 0s from guys than anyone else in the league. If you feel that strongly about it then veto it.

Marble Ryan: You make several good points, and I had no idea how bad it had gotten for you. The Anvil does have certain value for a particular type of team, that type being one that regularly starts the entire Ravens practice squad. Still can't believe Mr. T hasn't chimed in...he must be having a meeting with Wilpon’s assistant about the groundskeeping budget.

Mr. T: Can't a guy go out and grab lunch? You know I'm never silent. As I sit here and eat my Cosi sandwich, I’ll respond. I'm pretty sure both players don't belong on waivers. Weren't you the guy talking about how the Colts offense was going to take off after the bye week? And have you seen the Texans schedule coming up? Michael J. Cox is willing to trade for Walter for the same reason you traded for Schaub. Just because a guy was on waivers last week doesn't mean he should be this week. Does that mean the Slow Eater should cut Fargas? And that doesn't even get to Lewis, who plays Denver, Houston, Indy, and Cincy in the second half of the season. And we all know he's guaranteed carries and goal line touches.

As for McFadden, obviously he's no Kevin Smith in terms of his upside (ed. Marble Ryan traded DeAngelo Williams for Kevin Smith a few days before Williams’ 3-TD game), but he hasn't exactly lit the world on fire against non-Chiefs opponents: 108 yards in 3 games. Now we know he has the potential to be better than that, or else I wouldn't be trading for him. But the fact of the matter is that he's in a walking boot right now and taking part in a three RB timeshare. And Lee Evans only has 16 catches in his 5 games, so he's not exactly making the Pro Bowl, either. I think you're just jealous because I traded for explosivity and that's what you've been looking for all season long.

The Slow Eater: I was just typing an email about how the trade isn't that one-sided considering the fact that McFadden's is splitting carries with two other guys, but then I got Michael J. Cox’s email which pretty much covered it. McFadden's got more upside then Lewis, but Lewis is guaranteed carries which, considering how few backs are left who don't split carries, has value. And it's not like Lee Evans is a #1 receiver or anything. Either Walter or Harrison could end up with better numbers than him. Considering that neither McFadden nor Evens are close to elite fantasy players, it's not that bad a trade.

Mr. T: I’m glad to see that our fantasy league has at least a few rational people in it. It's the idiots like Marble Ryan working on Wall Street, making judgments on fear, speculation, and explositivity that have the markets in such great flux. This is no worse than what your AD deal was at the time last year, or some other things we've seen. I laughed when you traded Kevin Smith for DeAngelo, but I didn't think it merited an article. (Oh wait, it did… because half our writing staff was on strike last week.)

Michael J. Cox: Yeah, I like Evans but the Buffalo passing game is pretty spotty. He only had 1 catch last week besides the 87 yard TD. Both he and D-Mac are surely going to have explosive days this season but they'll also lay eggs a lot which is something I can't afford given the immense lack of consistency elsewhere on my squad.

Marble Ryan: I just know as a former Jamal Lewis owner that there are few things in fantasy football more frustrating that watching the Anvil barrel head first into the line 13 times for 25 yards on your Sunday afternoon. I think Losman actually really opens things up for Evans. Anyone remember that game where he had like 200 yards and 3 TDs in a half? We'll see about McFadden, but I could see Tom the Cable Guy consolidating that running situation out there. My second assessment of the trade is less severe, but Harrison and Lewis are both dog shit.

Mr. T: It’s just like Marble’s second assessment in basically every quality of life. If you had listened to Marble, Cousin Bowser would be eating by himself at the Bait Shack every Monday night instead of teaching Black Irish the dynamics of a good spit ball. And Edwards is still the QB in Buffalo. He's got the bye week and the effects of his concussion will have subsided by Week 7.

Marble Ryan: You know the drill with concussions — after that first one, your career is officially on the clock.

Michael J. Cox: I also actually do believe that the Colts will start playing football in the 2nd half and I'll see some decent production from Marvin. This isn't such an absurd concept. The Colts have made the playoffs 10 out of the last 13 years after all, and he has a QB throwing to him whose last name isn't Edwards, Losman, Huard, Thigpen, Frerotte, or Pennington like the rest of my guys. And Losman completed 1 pass to Evans after that 87-yard bomb all while they were busy getting blown out by the Cardinals. That doesn't bode well in my book.

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