Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Slow Eater

Owner: The Slow Eater
Team: The Chefs 2.0

After an intense 118 hours of labor, Virginia "Ginny" Tripp knew that she had given birth to a very special child. All of the doctors and nurses in the maternity ward could not help but remark at the laggard pace at which the child suckled his mother's breast, taking hours to finish a feeding. The child, who would later become known as the Slow Eater, did not have an easy childhood, however. It took him eight years to finish high school, as his langorous dining habits made finishing his lunch by the end of the period impossible and caused him to miss all of his afternoon classes. Dating was also a tricky proposition for the Slow Eater. Though girls often found his unassuming sense of humor charming, they were put off by having to sit at a diner until the early morning hours while he would methodically work through a hamburger and fries.

Slowly but surely, the Slow Eater learned to embrace his unique set of talents and emerged from his trying adolescence with a commendable sense of self-confidence. He set a Kansas City record in 2004 when it took him two and a half weeks to finish a plate of beef brisket. In the world of fantasy football, however, the Slow Eater is known for his rapid-fire roster moves. The Slow Eater signed and cut Cleo Lemon 12 times during Week 10 of the 2007-2008 season. While the league trophy has continued to elude him, many feel that this will be the year the Slow Eater captures the gold. He has tentatively scheduled his post-season banquet from January 24th to March 17th, 2009.