Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rex Grossman Fantasy League: Draft Review - Best/Worst

Inspired by Wednesday's podcast, Mr. T decided to look back at the fantasy draft to see who committed grand theft roto and who ruined their team. Here's a look at the best and worst picks of each round.

Draft Results

Round 1
Best Pick: Frank Gore – Getting the number two scorer among RBs at #10 is a pretty good bargain, especially when you consider all of the sure things in front of him who missed.

Worst Pick: Peyton Manning – The impulse is to go with Brady here, but you can't kick yourself for drafting someone who lost his season to a freak injury. Manning gets the nod because he was coming off of an off-season injury and Gore, Romo, or Barber would've been a much better option. You can't give it to Brady based on the freak injury.

Round 2
Best Pick: Drew Brees – This one's a tough call, but we'll go with the number two scorer among QBs.

Worst Pick: Ryan Grant – Never draft a guy with hamstring issues – they never go away.

Round 3
Best Pick: Larry Fitzgerald - The second best WR in the league, Fitz will continue to shine this season.

Worst Pick: Matt Hasselbeck - There are so many choices here, but Hasselbeck was a terrible pick at the time that looks even worse now.

Round 4
Best Pick: Reggie Bush - This is where the fun starts. It's hard not to give this to a guy on pace for close to 20 TDs.

Worst Pick: Laurence Maroney – I almost went with Derek Anderson here, but at least he's still a starter. Jabroney's lucky to find his way onto the field, let alone into the end zone.

Round 5
Best Pick: Michael Turner - Burnin' through the NFL this year (he's the number one RB through Week 5), Turner was an incredible value here.

Worst Pick: Wes Welker - Easily gets whooped by the WRs taken after him.

Round 6
Best Pick: Jay Cutler - The QB throwing the sexiest ball in the league shines through in the 2 QB format.

Worst Pick: Selvin Young – Just like the Dow Jones, the Denver Running Back Situation is not something you should invest in.

Round 7
Best Pick: Matt Forte - All Day Fo'tay has made fools of all the owners who passed on him.

Worst Pick: Marc Bulger - Waived by Week 4. Enough said.

Round 8
Best Pick: Aaron Rodgers - With more pork in Round 8 than the government bailout plan, AR is the easy choice.

Worst Pick: Jeff Garcia – Black Irish made the pick with such conviction...and then Garcia was benched three weeks later.

Round 9
Best Pick: Brett Favre - With a lot of QBs taken around him, Favre's performance and cushy upcoming schedule will make this even more of a value pick.

Worst Pick: Patrick Crayton - Apparently being able to field six punts while holding onto all of the balls doesn't translate well into fantasy football.

Round 10
Best Pick: Chris Johnson – Jason Campbell tempted me here, but when in doubt, go with the RB.
Worst Pick: Kenny Watson - He's been hurt and was even released by the Bengals at one point.

Round 11
Best Pick: Kurt Warner – Michael J. Cox gets another mention here. As long as Kurt doesn't retire, this pick will continue to look good.

Worst Pick: Matt Leinart - He didn't even have the job at the time of the draft. Nick pick Cowah!

Round 12
Best Pick: J.T. O'Sullivan - This was a tough choice, but JTO wins over DeSean Jackson because you can't find a top 15 QB on the waiver wire.

Worst Pick: D.J. Hackett - Deej has done the least and has the least upside.

Round 13
Best Pick: Steve Slaton – This is only tainted by the fact that Cousin Bowser had no idea who Slaton was when he drafted him.

Worst Pick: Ray Rice – Despite all the injuries in Baltimore, Rice has yet to do anything.

Round 14
Best Pick: Trent Edwards – Edwards has been a consistent performer. You know, not counting the concussion.

Worst Pick: Chris Brown - Has played as many NFL minutes this year as Torry Hallelujah.

Round 15
Best Pick: Kyle Orton - Apparently is a long way away.

Wost Pick: Ronald Curry - Picked for upside, Curry hasn't shown diddly poo.

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