Monday, September 29, 2008

Scout’s Take: In Which We Discuss Garbage Time Play-Calling, The Flex Position, and Kurt Warner's Turnovers

Each week, our scouts gather together to share their observations on the most noteworthy Sunday performances. Unfortunately, after $700B bailout plan failed in the House vote, we had to send them all packing. In their place are Black Irish, Marble Ryan, Michael J. Cox, Mr. T, The Slow Eater, and Torry Hallelujah, who let us know what they took away from the Week 4 action.

Marble Ryan: Lawrence Fishgerald is on the block for much needed running back help. With Anquan Boldin dead, anyone who needs a top 3 WR can get one for a little love in the backfield.

Torry Hallelujah: I hear Thomas Jones is available... (Ed. Marble Ryan traded Thomas Jones last week with Chad Pennington to Mr. T for Chris Perry and Matt Schaub.)

Mr. T: Who knew Matt Schaub wouldn't be your problem this week? And you were worried about trading for him. I like how you picked up Ryan Fitzpatrick thinking it'd be a boost to your QB situation. Gotta love 2 QB leagues. That situation with Boldin at the end of the Jets game was terrible. Why was the first team offense on the field?

Michael J. Cox: I watched this unfold and it was the most underrated story of the day by far. Anquan gets totally rocked with about 30 seconds to go in the game. There's about a 15 minute stoppage while they attend to him and cart him off on a stretcher to the waiting ambulance. At this point we've seen no movement at all from Anquan and I'm thinking there's a 50% chance that his career is over. Warner is leading both teams in prayer. The announcers are silent — pretty scary. Then after they get Aquan off the field, what does the genius Whisenhunt do? Puts Warner in the effing shotgun and starts throwing again to none other than Larry Fitzgerald over the middle! Just stunning. If I was the owner/GM/team prez, I would have considered firing him on the spot.

Mr. T: Yeah, what are you trying to do down that many points? Take a knee. Maybe this is an F-You from Whisenhunt to Boldin because he wants to be traded. Also, Leinart should've been in the game. Warner is such a fragile piece of shit that he could've gotten murdered out there passing on every down. If the Jets pass rush gets to you five times in the game, that's saying something. I'm surprised Kurt wasn't concussed.

Michael J. Cox: I'd almost think its the other way around. I think these receivers love putting up garbage time stats. Just backfired. Badly.

Slow Eater: I gotta say, right up until the injury I was thrilled that Boldin was getting garbage time points for The Chefs. And considering he's playing for a new contract, I bet Boldin was too. Looks like Chad Johnson has earned his way back into the starting lineup for me.

Marble Ryan: After the first quarter I thought both QBs were going to flirt with negative territory. That first Favre pick was hilarious. It looked like something he would've done when he was with the Falcons. And then the Reevis pick was one of the worst throws in Lig history I think. Warner threw a floater on a comeback route — that’s generally something QB coaches don't advise. Pure football comedy.

Michael J. Cox: Yeah, at halftime I was thinking about what it was going to be like having Matt Leinart starting for my team the rest of the year. Thankfully Kurt resurrected things in the 3rd quarter a bit and somehow gave me a decent day - 27 points in my other league even due to some spotty scoring settings. Six turnovers How my team is looking at a potential 3-1 record is baffling though.

Marble Ryan: After the initial set of replays to the Fitz offer, I have to say I'm amazed at how over-valued the RB position is in our Lig. With our rosters forcing you to start three wide and Boldin going down, I would think 20 points a game from Fitz would garner some interesting offers, but the shit people have thrown at me is astounding.

Mr. T: It's not like Boldin died. He's only got a concussion. He'll be back after a week off.

Marble Ryan: Boldin just got a one way ticket to Wayne Chrebet-ville. It starts with the first concussion, and now he is compromised forever. He'll probably get a second one this year, and before you know it he'll be retiring. That hit was brutal. Like Guyte said, he very easily could have been dead. He might come back in two weeks, but even if he does he's tainted. That doesn't even begin to address the issue of how a #1 receiver in this Lig only gets you someone else's flex. I don't really get that...

Torry Hallelujah: It's too bad nobody came at you with Travis Henry and Donald Driver. You would've been all over that one. I don't think you can automatically assume that Fitz's production is going to go up that much. It's tough to play on an offense where you're the only threat. Reggie Wayne's numbers went up a little last year when Marv went out, but it's not like they doubled or anything.

Mr. T: Maybe it's called negotiating. You can't expect to receive Marion Barber as the first offer. Then again, who needs Fitz when you got Lance "Live Strong" Moore.

Torry Hallelujah: I had a hard time deciding which throw was worse, Favre's or Warner's. In the end, I think it was Favre's. Throwing the ball across your body from one side of the field to the other is basically the dumbest thing you can do from the quarterback position, short of throwing the ball straight up in the air, granny style, or handing it off to a defensive lineman and then blocking for him on his way to the end zone.

Michael J. Cox: The Warner pick on the 2 man rush was one of the 5 worst plays I've ever seen a QB make in my life.

Black Irish: Complete and total agreement. That looked like a play straight out of NES Playaction Football.

Marble Ryan: I wish we had tapes of some of your hung over performances in the Zogsports league. Warner's throw was bottom 5, but it's quite an accomplishment to throw three pick 6s in an 8 minute half.

Michael J. Cox: This is true. Thankfully no one's paying me $3M a year to play the position. I'd be happy to fumble and throw picks all day for even $1M. Too bad Marble Ryan isn't an NFL GM or else I might have had the chance....

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