Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Catching Up With: Kurt Warner

Our Torry Hallelujah sat down with Cardinals QB Kurt Warner to discuss God, Ken Whisenhunt’s decision to play his starters late in a blowout loss, and one of the five worst throws in NFL history.

Torry Hallelujah: So, Kurt, if you don’t mind, I’d like to talk about your game against the Jets last Sunday. You guys were down by a mile with only 30 seconds left. Do you think Ken Whisenhunt made a smart decision keeping his starters in till the end of the game?

Kurt Warner: First off, I just want to thank the Lord for letting me be in this position.

TH: I’m not sure what you mean, Kurt.

KW: You know, the Lord – Christ, the big JC!

TH: I’m talking about Anquan! Didn’t you see him there, lying awkwardly on the turf? It looked like someone had shocked him with a cattle prod.

KW: Hey, the Lord takes us when he’s ready for us.

TH: And as soon as Anquan was taken off the field on a stretcher, you threw a pass to Larry Fitzgerald over the middle. Do you think that was a smart play?

KW: I just felt that the Lord was calling me to throw for 472 yards. I had to do what he asked. Wasn’t it great?

TH: Kurt, you almost got two of your receivers killed in a meaningless effort. Do you have regrets about that?

KW: I don’t know what you’re talking about – I threw for 472 yards! Didn’t you see?

TH: Oh, I saw. I also saw your three interceptions that cost your team the game, including the one you threw straight to Darrelle Revis. Our Michael J. Cox called it one of the five worst throws he’s ever seen. What do you have to say about that?

KW: That wasn’t me. Matt Leinart threw that one. Probably God’s punishment for all that premarital sex.

TH: I’m pretty sure that was you, Kurt. [Cues up video clip from Sunday’s game which clearly shows Warner throwing the ball directly to Revis, followed by Revis casually running it in for a touchdown]

KW: [Busts out in laughter] What can I say, you got me! I have no idea what I was thinking on that one. Hey, at least I threw for all those yards – that’s what matters, right?

TH: Well, your team did lose the game, Kurt.

KW: [Chuckling] Sometimes, the Lord has a plan and you just have no choice but to go with it. That’s what I said when I married Brenda.

TH: What are you talking about?

KW: You think I planned on marrying a chick with a flat top?

TH: Good point. So, Kurt, what can fantasy owners expect from you during the rest of the season? More yards, more terrible interceptions?

KW: If the Lord has anything to say about it, I’ll realize my dream to throw the worst pass in NFL history.

TH: That’ll really be something to watch. We’ll all be looking forward to it!

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