Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cox Block: My Response to the Marble Ryan Lock of the Week

Going with Indianapolis +2.5 at San Diego, Marble appears to have removed his head from his ass (at least for this week) and actually made a pick that makes sense. It's actually my favorite line of the week, so it's pretty hard for me to rip him for it. However, given the crazy nature of the NFL at this point, I really don't mind being on the other side of it at all.

So instead of my usual dose of Marble bashing, I’m going to share my thoughts on what's shaping up to be a very interesting MVP race. The argument has been made in the media this week that Peyton Manning should be this year's MVP, which I quite frankly just don't understand. He isn't at or even near the top of any of the major statistical categories and the Colts, while showing signs of life lately, haven't put together a great season up to this point. Manning has a lower QB rating this year than Chad Pennington, Kyle Orton and Matt Cassel, and is pretty comparable with his little brother, whose team is 9-1, stat wise. That's just not what I'm looking for from an MVP. In fact, if his last name wasn't Manning, I don't even think we'd be having this conversation.

As comical as it seems, my money is on Kurt Warner right now. His numbers are phenomenal and the team could realistically go 11-5 or better. I think his campaign ultimately comes down to this weekend. If the Cardinals can take down the Giants at home, which would clear their way for a potential 12-4 season, he's definitely the MVP. If he puts up a 2005 type performance with numerous turnovers and the game turns into a laugher, it's wide open. Since he holds the keys to both of my fantasy teams, let's hope it's not the latter...

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